Release: 2/18/2022 | Download: Enhanced | MP3
Run Time: 86 min | Subscribe: Enhanced | MP3 | RSS
Four clue words on four leaves. Can your teammates use these clues to select and arrange four square donut-shaped cards so their keywords line up?
So Clover is a cooperative word association game. Talk it through and look for a common thread. It will take more than luck to make the right connections.
Tune in to explore the game and learn why we think it is chock full of Major Fun!
So Clover
Designer: François Romain
Publisher: Repos Prod
3-6 players 30 min. ages 10+ MSRP $25
Time to teach/learn: 3 minutes
Music credits include:
Crimson & Clover | Teho Teardo & Blixa Bargeld | the song
I’m Looking Over a Four Leaf Clover | Emmy Rossum | the song
Luck Be A Lady | Acoustic Sessions | the song